Detecting Deepfakes: Is Audio the Key?

Detecting deepfakes is tricky, but audio might be the key.

In a groundbreaking move at CES 2024, McAfee unveiled Project Mockingbird, an AI-powered deepfake audio detection technology designed to combat the rising threat of cybercriminals using fabricated, AI-generated audio for scams, cyberbullying, and manipulation of public figures. As the capabilities of generative AI tools continue to advance, the need for robust defenses against deepfakes and cheapfakes becomes more apparent. This article explores the origin, intention, and potential misuse of these technologies, along with the concerns surrounding them and the emerging solutions.

Understanding Deepfakes and Cheapfakes

Deepfakes refer to AI-generated content, often in the form of videos or audio, that convincingly mimic real people or events. Cheapfakes, a subset of deepfakes, involve manipulating authentic content rather than generating entirely new material. In the context of McAfee’s Project Mockingbird, the focus is on combating the use of AI-generated audio for malicious purposes.

Project Mockingbird: A Defense Against AI-Generated Threats

McAfee’s Project Mockingbird utilizes a sophisticated AI model employing contextual, behavioral, and categorical detection models, achieving an impressive 90 percent accuracy rate in detecting AI-generated audio. This technology equips consumers with the ability to distinguish between authentic and manipulated content, providing crucial insights to make informed decisions about the veracity of the information they encounter. Steve Grobman, CTO at McAfee, likens it to a weather forecast, helping users plan their digital interactions wisely.

Applications of Project Mockingbird extend beyond countering AI-generated scams, including addressing disinformation. By empowering users to discern between real and manipulated content, McAfee aims to protect individuals from falling victim to fraudulent schemes and ensure a secure digital experience.

The Rise of OpenVoice: A New Frontier in Voice Cloning

In addition to McAfee’s efforts, a California-based startup called MyShell has introduced OpenVoice, an open-source AI offering voice cloning with unprecedented speed and accuracy. Developed by researchers at MIT, Tsinghua University, and MyShell, OpenVoice utilizes just seconds of audio to clone a voice, allowing granular control over tone, emotion, accent, rhythm, and more.

OpenVoice comprises two AI models, one handling language style, accents, and emotions, while the second focuses on voice tone cloning. The innovative approach by MyShell enables OpenVoice to clone voices with minimal data, surpassing the speed of alternatives like Meta’s Voicebox.

MyShell’s Ecosystem and Monetization Strategy

MyShell, founded in 2023 with $5.6 million in early funding and over 400,000 users, positions itself as a decentralized platform for creating and discovering AI apps. Apart from instant voice cloning, the platform offers original text-based chatbot personalities, meme generators, user-created text RPGs, and more, some of which are behind a subscription fee. The company also charges bot creators to promote their bots on its platform.

By open-sourcing its voice cloning capabilities through platforms like HuggingFace and simultaneously monetizing its broader app ecosystem, MyShell aims to attract a wider user base while advocating for an open model of AI development.

Consumer Concerns and McAfee’s Deepfakes Survey

As the capabilities of deepfake and cheapfake technologies continue to evolve, so do consumer concerns. According to McAfee’s Deepfakes Survey conducted in December 2023:

  • 84% of Americans are concerned about deepfake usage in 2024.
  • 68% express more significant concerns than the previous year.
  • 33% have experienced or witnessed a deepfake scam, with a higher prevalence among 18–34 year-olds.
  • Top concerns include election influence, undermining public trust in media, impersonation of public figures, proliferation of scams, cyberbullying, and sexually explicit content creation.

Addressing Concerns and Countering Misuse

The concerns highlighted in the survey underscore the urgency of addressing the potential misuse of deepfake and cheapfake technologies. With the increasing sophistication of these tools, the following considerations become crucial in countering their negative impacts:

  1. Educating the Public: Initiatives to educate the public about the existence and potential dangers of deepfakes and cheapfakes are essential. This includes awareness campaigns, educational programs, and digital literacy initiatives to help individuals recognize and critically assess manipulated content.
  2. Regulatory Frameworks: Policymakers should work towards establishing robust regulatory frameworks that govern the use of AI-generated content. These frameworks should address issues such as the unauthorized use of personal likeness, the spread of misinformation, and potential legal consequences for those engaging in malicious activities.
  3. Advancements in Detection Technologies: Continued investment in AI-powered detection technologies, similar to McAfee’s Project Mockingbird, is essential. This includes collaboration between tech companies, researchers, and government agencies to stay ahead of evolving deepfake techniques.
  4. Ethical AI Development: Companies developing AI technologies, such as MyShell, should prioritize ethical considerations in their development processes. This includes implementing safeguards against malicious use, ensuring transparency, and promoting responsible AI practices.
  5. International Collaboration: Given the global nature of the internet and the potential for cross-border misuse of deepfake and cheapfake technologies, international collaboration is crucial. Countries should work together to share information, coordinate responses, and collectively address the challenges posed by these emerging technologies.


As the world witnesses the unveiling of innovative technologies like McAfee’s Project Mockingbird and MyShell’s OpenVoice, the concerns surrounding deepfakes and cheapfakes persist. Consumer awareness, regulatory frameworks, technological advancements, ethical considerations, and international collaboration are all critical components in the ongoing battle against the misuse of AI-generated content. By addressing these concerns comprehensively, society can harness the benefits of AI while mitigating the risks associated with deepfake and cheapfake technologies.

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